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Recovery Advocates In Livingston

Aligning Resources To Benefit People In Recovery And Rebuild Lives

RAIL is a peer-operated organization that serves as a local resource of community-based recovery support for persons in recovery.

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Peer-Led Support For Lifelong Recovery

Recovery Advocates in Livingston (RAIL) is a peer-operated organization offering nonclinical Recovery Support Services (RSS) to assist individuals and families in overcoming alcohol and drug-related challenges. At RAIL, we recognize that while achieving sobriety is a crucial first step, sustaining it is where the real work begins. There are many pathways to recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders.

Our mission is to ease this transition by providing community-based recovery support, guiding individuals toward an independent life of sobriety. Whether you're just starting your journey or already in recovery, RAIL is here to support you every step of the way.

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Recovery Groups &

recovery training

Referrals and support for
recovery training

Recreational &
Social Support

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Enjoyment Services &
Job Training

Comprehensive Support For Every Stage Of Recovery

At RAIL, we offer a wide range of services tailored to support individuals in their recovery journey.

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Case Management &
Resource Coordination

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Family Support &
Life Skills

Spiritual Support &
Sober Living Skills

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RAIL At A Glance

At Recovery Advocates in Livingston (RAIL), we provide two key recovery-focused programs to support residents in Livingston County:

recovery house

Recovery support services for persons in recovery

sober living house in michigan

A sober living recovery house for women

Recovery is not just about abstinence; it involves addressing all areas of life affected by substance use, including self-esteem, peer influences, and social conditions. At RAIL, we understand that recovery requires a holistic approach that goes beyond achieving sobriety to support overall well-being.

Comprehensive Support For Every Stage Of Recovery

At RAIL, we offer a wide range of services tailored to support individuals in their recovery journey.

RAIL At A Glance

At Recovery Advocates in Livingston (RAIL), we provide two key recovery-focused programs to support residents in Livingston County:

Recovery support services for persons in recovery

A sober living recovery house for women

Recovery is not just about abstinence; it involves addressing all aspects of life that may have been impacted by substance use, including self-esteem, peer group influences, and social conditions. At RAIL, we understand that recovery requires a holistic approach that extends beyond sobriety to promote overall well-being.

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Advocating for 

Long-Term Recovery

Recovery does not happen in isolation. RAIL offers community-based recovery support services and sober living homes to promote and advocate for sustained, long-term recovery. Our mission is to create an environment where individuals can thrive and transform their lives.

Four Dimensions of Recovery

  1. Health – Overcoming or managing one’s disease or symptoms, such as abstaining from alcohol, illicit drugs, and non-prescribed medication in cases of addiction, and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being.

  2. Home – Having a stable and safe place to live.

  3. Purpose – Engaging in meaningful daily activities, such as employment, school, volunteerism, family care, or creative pursuits, along with achieving the independence, income, and resources to participate fully in society.

  4. Community – Building relationships and social networks that offer support, friendship, love, and hope.

Recipient Rights
All recipients of substance abuse services are entitled to rights protected by state and federal laws. For more information, contact Anne King-Hudson at 810-599-5346 or the Michigan Department of Community Health's Recipient Rights Coordinator at 320 South Walnut St., 5th Floor, Lansing, MI 48913.

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Start Your Recovery Journey Today